Pooch Positive - Animal WelfaRe Policy


Pooch Positive: Animal Welfare Policy  

Updated and reviewed yearly.

This document is to be adhered to in every circumstance without exception: 

  • Each dog will be treated with respect. 
  • Only positive reinforcement and science-based methods will be used. 
  • Use of prong collars, electric collars or breath restriction collars will not be used. 
  • A constant check of the dog's body language will be done to make sure the dog is not showing signs of stress or anxiety.  If the dog does show signs of stress or anxiety training will stop immediately and an assessment will be done as to why the dog is exhibiting these signs. 
  • Every new client will have a telephone Consultation form completed to assess dogs' emotional well-being and / or bite risk. 
  • Before training commences an intake form and waiver must be received by Rebecca.
  • Teach the handler / guardian what body language to look for when training 
  • To further aid the dog in training, the handler / guardian will be taught aversive body language signals. 
  • Any abuse will be reported to BCSPCA immediately and the handler / guardian may not be informed of these actions due to concerns over the animal's welfare. 
  • Pooch Positive and Rebecca Jennings will always advocate for positive and science-based training  
  • Every measure will be taken to ascertain if a dog has allergies and alternative treats to be offered. 
  • Clean and fresh water to be available to the dog at all times, including training sessions, and this information to be passed to the handler / guardian of the dog. 
  • Restraints will only be used in the case of a dog fight or an attack on another animal or humans.  Records will be kept and reviewed by Rebecca Jennings of any such circumstance. 
  • If a behaviour is offered that is aggressive or the animal has a bite history of a Dr Ian Dunbar's bite level of 2 or more the dog will be referred to your vet for a medication assessment and the potential need to work with a Vet Behaviourist. 
  • Training will be done at the dog's pace and not forced by Pooch Positive and /or Rebecca Jennings or any representative’s or the handler / guardian of the dog. 
  • In case of assessing the dog's threshold only Rebecca Jennings of Pooch Positive will make this assessment. 
  • In case of an out of hours emergency the use of Vancouver Animal Emergency will be used.  Telephone 604 879 3737. 
  • No medical advice or medication recommendation will be given by Rebecca Jennings or any representative of Pooch Positive.  
  • No dog will be physically or emotionally harmed by any representative of Pooch Positive.